Cell Phone Policy

Kids In Motion cell phone policy offers general guidelines for using personal and company cell phones during work hours.

It is important that all educators’ full attention remains on the children enrolled at the childcare center at all times, for both educational and safety reasons. Therefore, personal cell phones are not permitted in any of the classrooms during work hours. Cell phones should remain turned off, put away, and stored with other personal belongings while employees are clocked in.

The use of personal cell phones in the childcare center is permitted only during approved breaks, outside the classroom, or outside the presence of the children at the center. Employees may not use their personal cell phones for talking, texting, checking voicemail, or any other purpose in the presence of children enrolled at the center, even during breaks.

When educators leave the center with their children on an excursion during work hours, one employee per classroom may carry a cell phone to be used only in the event of an emergency.

In the rare event that a staff member needs to take a personal call during work hours, this can be done using the main office phone.

This policy is meant to ensure that the privacy and confidentiality of information about the center, children, parents/guardians/caregivers, and staff are upheld.

If necessary, with the parent’s /guardian’s/caregiver’s permission, for staff to use electronic devices to photograph or videotape children, the data must be downloaded onto the center’s computer and immediately deleted from the staff person’s device.

Disciplinary Action:

Improper use of cell phones may result in disciplinary action. Continued use of cell phones at inappropriate times or in ways that distract from work and the children may lead to severe disciplinary action and/or termination.

Cell phone usage for illegal or dangerous activity, for purposes of harassment, or in ways that violate the company confidentiality policy may result in employee termination.

Cell Phone Policy

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